
2016年8月11日 星期四

英國百年前著名偵探懸疑小說 :The Man Who Was Thursday

中文名: 星期四人
原名: The Man Who Was Thursday
別名: 男人與星期四,曾是星期四的男人,星期四的人
作者: ()G.K.切斯特頓
  「The Man Who Was Thursday」是一部100多年前英國人G.K.切斯特頓寫的偵探懸疑小說,20166月匈牙利拍成電影在美國、匈牙利、英國愛丁堡、義大利和羅馬尼亞公演過。內容是描述一個規模遍及全歐的世界無政府主義者地下組織,決策核心中央議會共有七名成員,均以一星期七天作為代號。倫敦,世紀之交,詩人加布裏埃爾·賽姆是蘇格蘭場一個神秘的反無政府主義行動組的成員,他成功打入該組織成為代號「星期四」的人。


It is very difficult to classify THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY. It
is possible to say that it is a gripping adventure story of murderous
criminals and brilliant policemen; but it was to be expected that the author
of the Father Brown stories should tell a detective story like no-one else.
On this level, therefore, THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY succeeds
superbly; if nothing else, it is a magnificent tour-de-force of suspense-
However, the reader will soon discover that it is much more than that.
Carried along on the boisterous rush of the narrative by Chesterton's
wonderful high-spirited style, he will soon see that he is being carried into
much deeper waters than he had planned on; and the totally unforeseeable
denouement will prove for the modern reader, as it has for thousands of
others since 1908 when the book was first published, an inevitable and
moving experience, as the investigators finally discover who Sunday is.

Chapter I The Two Poets of Saffron Park
Chapter II The Secret of Gabriel Syme
Chapter III The Man Who Was Thursday
Chapter VI The Tale of a Detective
Chapter V The Feast of Fear
Chapter VI The Exposure
Chapter VII The Unaccountable Conduct of Professor de Worms
Chapter VIII The Professor Explains
Chapter IX The Man in Spectacles
Chapter X The Duel
Chapter XI The Criminals Chase the Police
Chapter XII The Earth in Anarchy
Chapter XIII The Pursuit of the President
Chapter XIV The Six Philosophers
Chapter XV The Accuser

Chiuchiu按: 對The Man Who Was Thursday」的探討是緣於任職考試院高層的大學同學每天的英文問好"Good morning on Thursday!! Would you like watch the film: The man who was Thursday? Through it, you may get the sense of anarchism.",經網路搜尋與在英國女兒的協助,綜合了解如上。


